Industry Dynamic

Servier's oral IDH1/IDH2 dual inhibitor vorasidenib (Voranigo) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on August 6, according to FirstWordPHARMA. It is used in children and adults 12 years o...
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At the opening ceremony of ASCO, Dr. LillianL.Siu was awarded the 2024 DavidA Karnofsky Memorial Award for her outstanding contributions to cancer drug development, clinical trial design and methodology, and th...
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In contrast to the more research-oriented presentations of the AACR, ASCO is focusing more on clinical research, with a focus on clinical benefit, toxicity, survival, and other measurable clinical parameters. E...
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Artificial intelligence has realized commercialization, from professional resources to cancer researchers tool is easy to obtain. Ai-based tools can not only improve research productivity in daily workflows, bu...
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