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Dynamic Center
  •     Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is known for its resistance to gemcitabine, which acts to inhibit cell growth by termination of DNA replication. Tumor-associated macrop...
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  •     Research from McMaster University has identified new regulators of brain metastases in patients with lung cancer.    These regulators are the genes called S...
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  •     “2017 China BioMed Innovation and Investment Conference” was held in SuZhou Jinji Lake International Conference Center On October 29, 2017. Sichuan Jiuzhang Biotech Co, Ltd (hereafter re...
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  • A phase I/II clinical study on Chlorogenic Acid for Injection, a pioneering Class 1 new drug developed by Sichuan Jiuzhang Biotech Co., Ltd., has been incorporated in the NHPLC Major New Drug Innovation Progr...
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