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Nature: Heavyweight results! Scientists have discovered that misregulation of key enzymes may induce leukemia and brain cancer

    Researchers from institutions such as the German Cancer Research Center have found that key enzymes responsible for breaking down specific amino acids in food may play animportant role in the pathogenesis of brain cancer and leukemia. Related research is published in the international journalof Nature. The researchers clarified the association between energy metabolism and the so-called epigenetic code. The DNA tags of cancer stem cells can determine the activity of genes, as well as a variety of cellular functions, and researchers believe that blocking the activity of this enzyme may fight against cancer.

    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malignant hematological cancer that usually recurs after patients' initial treatment, and stem cells that are resistant to therapy are thought to be responsible for the recurrence of this leukemia; scientists want to throughthe study tounderstand the molecular mechanisms behind this resistance, and they examine thedifferencesofpatients' samples in protein components between AML stem cells and leukemia cells

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